Let us know how we can improve your experience!
*1.How satisfied are you with the current product detail page in accomplishing your purpose?
very satisfiedvery dissatisfied
2.What are the problems with the current detail page? Please describe your problems and suggestions.
*3.If we want to learn more about your experience on Alibaba.com, can we get in touch with you for an interview? Incentives would be provided to participants who complete the interview.(Choose only one answer)
*.Please provide your contact information so that we can get in touch with you. This information will be kept strictly confidential.
*4.Which of the following best describes your use of Alibaba.com?(Choose only one answer)
*5.Approximately how much did your company spend on purchasing for materials and products in the last 12 months (including on and outside Alibaba)? (Choose only one answer)
.What's your member ID?

Thanks for your feedback!